
3/9/23, 1:11 PM
Our Students Wrote, Center for Next Technological Futures

Learning from failure

Is it possible to fail in a praiseworthy way? We have all had failures in our lives, most of us more than once. In the approach of Ahmad Piraiee, director of Startup Grind in Warsaw, this is not necessarily a negative thing. Depending on the type of failure, we can learn and build from it. This was the topic of his workshop organized by the MCC's Centre for Next Technological Futures Workshop, where he talked about the concept of failure and the classification of its types.
3/9/23, 12:59 PM
Our Students Wrote, Center for Next Technological Futures

How to create the startup ecosystem of the future

There are 10 steps needed to build a successful startup ecosystem. This was the topic around which Ahmads keynote revolved at the Lunch Debate organised by the MCC's Technology Futures Workshop. Together with his discussion partner László Jónás, Head of Strategy at Design Terminal, they highlighted and discussed the most important of these 10 steps.
3/6/23, 2:54 PM
Center for European Studies

Narco-Communism (And Why It Is Important to Hungary)

The MCC Center for European Studies organized an event about the current political situation in South America. Our guest was Victor González, who is a Member of the Congress of Deputies for the Vox party in Spain. The event was moderated by Rodrigo Ballester, Head of our Center.
3/1/23, 8:10 AM
Leadership Academy

Leadership Academy with Christian Wolff

Christian Wolff, Managing Director of Mercedes-Benz, gave a presentation to our Leadership Academy students.
2/24/23, 2:40 PM
Ambassador Talks

Ambassador Talk on the post-covid situation in China

Covid caused huge losses for China, but the country's economy seems to be recovering faster than expected.
2/21/23, 7:18 AM
Budapest Fellowship Program, Visiting Fellowship Program

Discover Hungary: Székesfehérvár

Participants of the Budapest Fellowship Program and the Visiting Fellowship Program took part in a study tour to Székesfehérvár, Hungary, on 16 February 2023, as part of the Discover Hungary event series. The fellows visited the Bory Castle, which was built by sculptor and architect Jenő Bory (1879-1959) over 40 summers based on his own designs and imagination, as a memorial to his love for his wife and his artistic dreams.
2/20/23, 12:42 PM
Ambassador Talks

In India, there is everything, and their opposite too

In India, there is everything, and their opposite too. That's how H. E. István Szabó, Ambassador of Hungary to India summed up India and the relations between Hungary and India at our season-opening Ambassador Talk event.
2/17/23, 1:07 PM
MCC Fellowship Program

MCC Fellowship Program - Orientation Day

Washington DC, Hamden, Barcelona, Madrid, Athens, Istanbul, Warsaw, Nova Gorica, Sarajevo, Rome - these are the cities MCC Fellows will soon be travelling to in the Spring Semester 2023.
2/15/23, 2:38 PM

Nearly 40 presentations, in 10 halls and 4 time slots, with more than 450 participants - our Winter Camp 2023 was a great success

Professional and cultural programs, sports, community building and the experience of the freedom of belonging were the hallmarks of the MCC Winter Camp 2023 held in Ótátrafüred (Starý Smokovec). In addition to the physical challenges, participants also got some intellectual refreshment through thought-provoking panel discussions and debates during the five-day camp, where they were invited to give presentations themselves.
1/31/23, 2:30 PM
Conferences, Publishing

Engaging Panel Discussions and Record Attendance - MCC International Conference on the Future of Publishing

With around 500 registered participants, 9 panel discussions, 2 rural side events, 40 national and international speakers from more than 10 countries and 3 continents, and 48 reporting journalists - Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) is hosting a two-day international conference on the current state of the media market and the future of publishing.
1/20/23, 2:50 PM
Lunch Talks

The Voice of Corporations – Why Is It So Important?

Our guest for the first MCC Lunch Talks event in 2023 was Orsolya Ludvig, head of the Center for Corporate Communication, who held a presentation with the title „The Voice of Corporations – Why Is It So Important?”.
12/22/22, 7:10 AM
Lunch Talks

War of the Worlds – China’s Counter Cosmopolitanism

As a guest of our MCC Lunch Talks series, Dr Eric Hendriks, Dutch sociologist and MCC Visiting Fellow, gave a presentation on War of the Worlds – China’s Counter Cosmopolitanism.
12/13/22, 8:45 AM
Budapest Lectures

The Danube – A River Connecting Nations

The Mathias Corvinus Collegium hosted a round table discussion on cooperation between the peoples of the Danube. As a shipping route, the Danube offers a natural trade route, but shipping faces many challenges, was said at the event called MCC Budapest Lectures.
12/12/22, 3:03 PM

The real challenge is to trust each other - Jeffrey Sachs at MCC

World-renowned economist and economic policy advisor Jeffrey Sachs visited Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), where he discussed his life's work with Balázs Szepesi, head of the MCC School of Economics.
12/12/22, 1:00 PM
Lunch Talks

How the Israeli Supreme Court Became an Uber-Government

As a guest of our MCC Lunch Talks series, Dr. Gadi Taub, Israeli publicist, historian, lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and MCC Visiting Fellow, gave a presentation on how the Israeli Supreme Court became an Uber-Government.
12/12/22, 10:48 AM

The European Union and the Quest for Digital Sovereignty: Briefing addresses the causes of Europe's failure on digital innovation

At the second event to be held by the think tank MCC Brussels, hard questions were on the table about EU policy and practice in the digital age.
12/12/22, 8:45 AM
Budapest Lectures

Tax Sovereignty and Tax Competition in a Multipolar World

A low tax burden alone is not enough to make a country attractive to investors, said Conor Lenihan, former Irish Minister, during the MCC Budapest Lecture entitled Tax Sovereignty and Tax Competition in a Multipolar World organized by Mathias Corvinus Collegium. He is one of the founders of the Global Tax Institute, who considers the professional debate around the introduction of the tax important and valuable. Meanwhile, Hungary has achieved a breakthrough in the application of the global minimum tax, as the Council of the European Union has agreed to include Hungarian business tax in the global minimum tax, allowing Hungary to join the agreement.
12/6/22, 2:02 PM
Ambassador Talks

"I Can Speak Freely in Hungary. Perhaps That’s What I Like the Most Here"

H.E. Biljana Gutic-Bjelica, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Hungary, was the latest guest of the MCC Ambassador Talk series, with whom we had a brief discussion about the current social and political situation in her country, analyzed the similarities between our countries, our common values and our international relations.
12/5/22, 7:30 AM

Remembering the Much Olympics After 50 Years

The panellists shared many personal experiences of the Munich Olympics. The audience also learned a lot about the differences between the Olympics of then and now.
11/30/22, 12:15 PM

The Legendary Robert McKee's "Story" Seminar Has Ended

Robert McKee's "Story" seminar took place at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium to a full house. The world-famous Hollywood screenwriting instructor visited Hungary for the first time to introduce MCC students and interested people to the mysteries of screenwriting.
11/29/22, 7:36 AM
Budapest Lectures

How to Educate the Next Generation Towards Common Sense?

The importance of common sense was highlighted by Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation, who came to Budapest at the invitation of the Danube Institute and Mathias Corvinus Collegium. The event called MCC Budapest Lectures started with the Keynote Speech of John O’Sullivan, President of the Danube Institute, and continued with the discussion of Gábor Csepregi, Visiting Fellow in MCC, and the lifelong educator Kevin Roberts.
11/29/22, 5:15 AM
Lunch Talks

The Narratives of China in the 21st Century: Is China Unstoppable?

Our guest for the last MCC Lunch Talks event in November was Csaba Moldicz, head of the Center for Foreign Economics.
11/28/22, 12:52 PM
School of Law, Center for International Law

Where International Law Comes to Life: MCC Study Trip to The Hague

The Hague
Three days, five institutions and nine experts: the MCC Center for International Law organized a study trip to The Hague. MCC law students from Budapest, Debrecen and Kolozsvár participated in a three-day long study trip to The Hague, whereby court visits, various lectures and conversations with professors and experts shed light on the unique world of international adjudication, which textbooks cannot reveal.
11/25/22, 3:01 PM
Budapest Lectures

Long Distance but Close Relationship

Despite the distance between Europe and the countries of the Indo-Pacific region, the development and strengthening of mutual cooperation are inevitable. The region plays a key role in the economic growth of the European Union and the EU is one of the most important partners in the region, said Kei Hakata, Professor at Seikei University, Tokyo, at the event series called MCC Budapest Lectures which was moderated by Csaba Moldicz, Head of the Center for International Economy, MCC.
11/25/22, 1:00 PM
Budapest Lectures, School of Law, Center for International Law

Neoliberalism as the “Original Sin”

The neoliberal ideology represents greed and evil, like the “original sin” in the Bible and Christian theology, because it continuously serves the hegemonic aspirations of the major powers – it was pointed out at the latest of the MCC Budapest Lectures series. The world renowned Professor of International Law at the National University of Singapore, Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah and Lénárd Sándor, head of the MCC Center for International Law discussed the complexity and the false promises of globalization as well as the outlook for creating a globalization with a human face.
11/24/22, 6:37 AM
Center for Next Technological Futures

Don’t Panic Yet About the Jobs Being “Stolen” by Robots and AI

Lunch Debate with Néstor Duch-Brown (JRC, Seville) and László Bacsa (Demola, Budapest), organised by MCC Centre for Next Technological Futures
11/22/22, 10:30 AM
School of Law

How to Understand Us Thinking About Privacy and Online Platforms – American Professors Talked to the Students of Mcc Szeged

On 11 November, as the closing event of the MCC Conference on Essential State Functions in Platforms Regulation, Márton Sulyok (Head of the MCC Public Law Center) talked to two American professors from the Antonin Scalia School of Law of George Mason University in Washington, D.C. The American academics participated at the conference and the Szeged event to explain to European audiences the American approaches to privacy and online platforms, from the point of view of an approach called “law and economics”.
11/22/22, 9:01 AM
School of Law, Center for International Law

“He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune”

The rise of the neoliberal economic dogmas has created a situation in which countries around the world could easily become highly dependent on transnational business interests as well as on international financial institutions. If a country is exposed to these dogmas, it will be used against her – it was emphasized in an event organized in the MCC Regional Center of Debrecen where Lénárd Sándor, Head of Center for International Law at the MCC asked the world-renowned professor of international law, Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah.
11/21/22, 9:50 AM
School of Law, Center for International Law

It Takes Vigilant States to Harness the Benefits of Globalization

The dominance of the “Washington Consensus” and neoliberal economic principles has reduced the ability of countries to act in defense of their own interests – it was pointed out in an event where a world-renowned professor of international law from National University of Singapore exchanged ideas with Hungarian experts.
11/18/22, 7:39 PM
School of Law, Conferences, Center for International Law

The “Silk Road” Is Not Only Our Cultural Heritage but Also One of Today’s Opportunities

The "Walking the Silk Road" international conference hosted by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium and co-organized by the European Chinese Arbitration Association and the Hungarian Arbitration Association has been a major success. Twenty speakers from nine different countries shared their insights on the future of EU-China economic and legal relations. The keynote address of the conference was delivered by the world-renown Professor of International Law, Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah from the National University of Singapore.
11/17/22, 7:29 PM
Budapest Lectures, School of Law, Center for International Law

Central-Europe Shall Seek to Be a Bridge Between East and West

Following the Swedish model, Central Europe, and Hungary in particular, should strive to play a bridge-building role in settling disputes between East and West - Robin Oldenstam, Chair of the Board of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) and Veronika Korom, Professor at ESSEC Business School and President of the Hungarian Arbitration Association pointed out during the MCC Budapest Lecture event in conversation with Lénárd Sándor, Head of the Center for International Law at the MCC.
11/16/22, 6:43 AM
School of Law, Center for International Law

Globalization Does Not Offer Equal Opportunities

In the course of the change of regime, the Central European countries uncritically accepted the neoliberal economic dogmas and rushed to join the globalizing world economy. However, in many cases, this has led to disappointment, because globalization does not offer equal opportunities – Professor M. Sornarajah the world-renowned international law professor at the National University of Singapore pointed out in a conversation with Lénárd Sándor, head of Center for International Law at the MCC in an event organized by the regional MCC Center of Győr.
11/15/22, 12:01 PM
Lunch Talks

The Legal Nature of Digital Assets

Our guest for the MCC Lunch Talks event was Attila Menyhárd, head of the Center for Modern Law, who spoke about the legal nature of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies and NFTs.
11/14/22, 7:35 AM
School of Law, Conferences

„Regulators also have the option to do nothing.” – Experts of Law and of Economics Spoke at Our Two-Day International Conference on Platform Regulation

The event venue of MCC Scruton housed the two-day international conference titled Essential State Functions in Platform Regulation, that came to life as a cooperative idea of more professional organizations. The conference focused on the challenges, the opportunities, and the necessity of the legal regulation of online platforms in light of what essential functions might states have in this domain. The question is especially important in light of the fact that in Europe, EU-law contains a multitude of rules to improve its global positions in the sector and these obviously affect those legal rules that the Member States enact to regulate the operation of platforms.
11/11/22, 2:28 PM
Brussels, School of Law, Center for International Law

Europe Will Have No Future if It Does Not Know How to Recognize Its Civilizational Roots

The Mathias Corvinus Collegium was also given a role in the international conference organized in Brussels on the relationship between national constitutional heritage and European integration. The Head of Center for International Law at MCC, Lénárd Sándor moderated the panel discussion on civilizational heritage and a student of MCC, Lili Póka spoke at the panel discussion about the role of national constitutional heritage.
11/9/22, 1:20 PM
Center for Next Technological Futures

Do not fall in love with the solution, fall in love with the problem!

The students of the Center for Next Technological Futures have mastered this mindset during their study tour in Israel.
11/9/22, 12:30 PM
Election Nights

The US Has the World’s Attention and That of MCC Too

The outcome of the so-called mid-term elections in the United States could also have an impact on the Russian-Ukrainian war and Hungarian-American relations, as was said at a joint election evening of Mathias Corvinus Collegium and the Center for Fundamental Rights, where renowned foreign experts shared their thoughts.
11/8/22, 12:22 PM
Lunch Talks

To Be or Not to Be (Diagnosed With ADHD): This Is Not the (Right) Question

This time, within the framework of MCC Lunch Talks, the floor has been given to Nóra Bunford, head of MCC-Mindset, Psychology School and head of the newly established Center for Academic Psychology.
11/7/22, 12:55 PM
Election Nights

Elections in Izrael: Likud Party Leader Benjamin Netanyahu to Return as Prime Minister

The third MCC Election Night event of the semester was held, in an unusual way, on the day after the Israeli elections, where we evoked the exotic atmosphere of Israel and analyzed with experts the future prospects of the Middle Eastern start-up country in the context of the new government. In addition to trying the delicacies of Israeli cuisine, the participants could also try their hand at various games, with the support of the Israeli Cultural Institute. Those interested in martial arts and self-defense could learn more about krav maga, a street fighting technique developed by the Israeli army.
11/4/22, 10:14 AM

„The Common Good” – The Head of Our Public Law Center Moderated a Conference Discussion Organized at Harvard Law School

As part of a longer trip to the United States, following visits to law schools in Washington DC, the head of the MCC Public Law Center participated at a conference on 29 October 2022, organized at Harvard Law School (HLS). HLS houses a Chapter of the famous, conservative US constitutional law organization, the Federalist Society. They requested Prof. Lee Strang (University of Toledo, College of Law, MCC visiting fellow in 2021) to organize the conference, who extended an invitation to our colleague to participate. The event was co-organized by the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.