7/18/24, 10:19 AM
University Program, Youth Talent Program
This year, a record number of 3200 elementary school students from across the Carpathian Basin have enrolled in the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) Young Talent Programme (FIT), which offers education in 27 cities, in addition to and complementary to public education, from the age of 10. MCC's High School Program (KP) has also been popular with young people, with more than 600 high school students applying this year. The MCC's University Program is still open: six MCC training centres (Budapest, Debrecen, Győr, Miskolc, Szeged, Pécs) are accepting applications from students who have just finished their highschool studies until 8 August. The MCC currently has more than 7,600 students in 28 training centres, from the age of 10 up to doctoral level.