Reading time: 3 minutes

Students of the Transylvanian School of Politics took part in another training camp, this time in Satu Mare, between 15-17 December. During the activity, students participated in interesting professional discussions, learned about community building and gained useful advice from experienced speakers.

In the weekend program, Attila Cseke, Senator of the RMDSZ reflected on the administrative reorganizations in 2024; Zoltán Kallós, State Secretary, drew attention to the elections due in 2024; Klementina Kozma, Researcher at the School of International Relations, discussed the geopolitical and security policy conditions in Eastern Europe; Dr. Ralph Schoellhammer, Adjunct Professor of International Relations at Webster University of Vienna, analysed aspects of the European Union's global role.

Later in the event, Csaba Pataki, President of the Satu Mare County Council and Gábor Kereskényi, Mayor of Satu Mare, discussed the difficulties and importance of community building. The discussion was moderated by Emese Dóra Szilágyi, President of MIÉRT. Lóránd Magyar, Member of Parliament, and Kincső Gyenes Gyenes, staff member of the Satu Mare Mare Association of the Maltese Charity Service, provided useful advice to the students.

A report on the training camp by Dávid Somogyi, one of the participants of the program:

In life we have to make many decisions. Some of them are valuable, some are great, and some are not really talked about. I think that my application to the Transylvanian School of Politics is one of the former.

During the second training weekend, I visited Satu Mare with my fellow students. During the program, I was able to observe not only my own and my peers' progress, but also the progress of the city's infrastructure. I was particularly struck by the honesty, directness and cohesion of the speakers and public figures of Satu Mare origin during the weekend. I met people who had already proved their worth through their actions, and who therefore enjoyed not only our attention but also our respect.

During the activity, we improved a lot during the rhetoric workshop and the debate training given by Dr. Sándor Fekete, a debate instructor, and Vilmos Benkő, a lecturer at the MCC Leadership Academy. I would also like to make no secret of the fact that I like to spend time with people who share my interests. Such people are my fellow students, whose presence is motivating for me. I look forward to the next training weekend.

The Transylvanian School of Politics was launched in 2017 by MCC in partnership with RMDSZ and MIÉRT, with the support of Pro Iuventute Association. The series of free training sessions in Hungarian and English consists of four intensive training weekends, where young people can participate in skills training and meet with renowned Hungarian and foreign experts and practicing politicians.