In our days there are hardly any events and issues with no political implications. The Center of Political Science aims at introducing the students to the world of political science through some foundational courses and access to key concepts, typologies and linkeges, making them better prepared to understand, interpret and analyse politics. Building on those foundations our Center offers theoretical and competence-developing courses, philosophical and practical knowledge. The members of the Center are engaged in research activities, the topics of which partially overlap with our educational program. The research projects are also open to our students to gain professional experience and networking opportunities. In our teaching and research activities we devote special attention to the issues of East Central Europe in general, and the Carpathian basin in particular. On current issues and topics of student interests, which are not fully covered by our courses, we invite external lecturers and organise public debates. We also have regular domestic and international study trips to enrich the knowledge and experience of our community of experts and students.
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School of Social Sciences and History
Center for Political Science
Sorok közt olvasni. Magyar irodalmi művek politikai elemzése
The course is based on the assumption that certain literary texts are useful for shedding lights on the rarely visible aspects of political reality. Hence, we discuss relevant political problems each occasion by analysing literary works.
Obstacle course. The social-political aspects of disability
The course focuses on disability, a rarely researched phenomenon from the perspective of social sciences. During the semester, students learn why the life conditions of people with disabilities are considered as a socially-politically relevant issue. After understanding the main concepts and theories of disability studies, participants visit an institution for children with disabilities, thus experience the complexity of disabled people in first hand.
News for Dinner
Dilemmas of municipal governments
Post-communist transformation
Public policy debates and reports
The course consists of two interrelated elements. Firstly, students write policy briefs following pre-defined criteria. Secondly, by using the submitted materials, students represent certain political characters in a public debate.
Central European integrations
The course aims to give a general knowledge of the most important integration and regionalisation theories in political science and IR. However, the course is primarily centred around the key Central European integrations established after 1989/1990, with particular attention to the CEFTA, the Visegrad Group or the Three Seas Initiative.
Behind the curtains - Politics and drama
The course motivates students to analyse dramas from political perspective. After clarifying the main theoretical dilemmas, students read certain dramas, which are interactively discussed later on during the course. As a closure of the course, 'A nemzet özvegye' play is watched at Örkény Theatre. Summarizing their own theatre experiences, participants will submit an analytical essay on the political aspects of the performance.
Governance in East-Central Europe
Political campaign
Political communication and political campaign
Tribes and institutions – Hungarian politics three decades after the system change
In a pinch after 100 years – Comparative analysis of ethnic Hungarian Parties in the Carpathian-Basin
What is talent development in contemporary sport?
Walking Course: Transport Geography of Budapest
The aim of the course is to identify, interpret, and analyze the differences in development within the Hungarian capital city’s various districts. Emblematic transport hubs, stations, and intersections help us understand the history and the practical problems of urbanization, with special regards to the intertwining of socio-economic and infrastructural
Future of Transport Development in the Carpathian Basin
During the course, the participants get to know the major directions and strategies of transport development in Hungary and the neighboring countries. After mastering the necessary background knowledge in the topic of freight and passenger services (transportation, logistics, transport policy), the discussion is on the alternative future development visions, with an international outlook.
Political Geography of East Central Europe
We learn in detail about the political systems, the institutions, the forms of state / government, as well as the electoral systems of the countries concerned. We deal separately with the Baltics, the V4s, the former Yugoslav republics, as well as Romania & Bulgaria. During our workshops, we discover the similar and different attributes of the constitutional and democratic functioning of these countries with special regards to electoral geography and demographics.
Thought-provoking maps: Mind-blowing social science facts, in two dimensions
By the demonstration of thematic thought-provoking maps, the seminar focuses on identifying, studying, and discussing specific contemporary European tendencies. The aim of the sessions is to develop the students' conscious map-reading skills to better understand economic, social as well as political processes. By identifying certain international patterns, similarities, and differences, the lessons help interpret the analyzed phenomena’s respective international context and contributes to the development of a global mindset and a holistic approach. The acquired knowledge enriches the applicants' lexical background knowledge in the fields of social and economic sciences.
Related events
Center for Political Science, Social Sciences School of Social Sciences