Az EU előtt álló migrációs kihívások V4 perspektívában

Mik az aktuális migrációs trendek az EU-ba? Hogyan reformálná meg a Brüsszel a bevándorlási rendszert? Mi a hivatalos V4-álláspont?

A lengyel Warsaw Institute interjút készít Janik Szabolccsal, a Migrációkutató Intézet igazgatóhelyettesével. Az angol nyelvű beszélgetést élőben követheti 2021. július 5-én 17:00 órától.

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Migration Challenges for the EU – V4 Perspective

The main points of the discussion will include, among others:

1) What are the current migratory trends to the EU?
2) Is the EU migration crisis a policy or a political crisis?
3) What made the Visegrad countries’ cooperation on the migration issue so successful?
4) Does the V4’s common position on migration still exist today?

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Szabolcs Janik, Deputy Director Migration Research Institute

Szabolcs Janik is a political scientist and economist, currently conducting his PhD studies in political science at Corvinus University of Budapest. His dissertation topic and his professional interest are centred around the Visegrad cooperation. Previously he worked at, among others, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary. At the Migration Research Institute (MRI), he is engaged in analysing the economic and political impact of contemporary migration to the European Union.


President of the Warsaw Institute

Mr. Tomasz Kijewski is the president of the Warsaw Institute – a leading think-tank in the Central and Eastern Europe focusing on international relations, hybrid warfare and energy security.
He is a graduate of the national security study program (PASS) at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (Garmisch-Partenkirchen / Washington DC). For many years he served as a diplomat in North America. The areas of Tomasz’s expertise include hybrid warfare and asymmetric conflicts, counter-terrorism, and energy security. He is currently preparing his doctoral dissertation (PhD).