How does natural law contribute to a better understanding of true human flourishing? What are the hard questions identifying the values of each human being and how can natural law shape the possible answers? What is the role of natural law in solving real human problems? Over the past 75 years, contemporary analytic natural law theory has sought answers to these questions, trying to contribute to the solution of problems related to human action and its consequences, the various human goods and their role in decision-making, the authority of law and its limits, or the role of practical reason in legal philosophy. Analytic natural law theory is itself comprised of diverse approaches, but these theories have not been systematically analyzed in Continental Europe, or the broader Central-Eastern European context. The present conference has therefore two main goals: 1.) first to create an academic space in which some of the most important legal and philosophical problems of today’s society would be discussed in light of the contemporary analytical natural law, and 2.) second, to foment the dialogue between two unique philosophical and cultural milieus, the continental and the common law traditions.

Keynote speaker (Day 1):

  • John Finnis (University of Notre Dame / University of Oxford)

Keynote discussants:

  • Verónica Rodriguez Blanco (University of Surrey)
  • Paolo Carozza (University of Notre Dame)

Keynote speaker (Day 2):

  • Christopher Tollefsen (University of South Carolina)

Keynote discussants:

  • Cristóbal Orrego (Catholic University of Chile)
  • Johanna Fröhlich (Ludovika University)

Invited speakers:

  • Paul Yowell (University of Oxford)
  • Maris Köpcke (University of Oxford)
  • John Keown (Georgetown University)
  • Sean Coyle (University of Birmingham)
  • Eric Claeys (George Mason University)
  • Gonzalo Candia (Catholic University of Chile)
  • Conor Casey (University of Surrey)
  • Stephanie Barclay (University of Notre Dame)
  • Molly Gurdon Pinkoski (Columbia University)
  • Thana De Campos Rudinsky (Catholic University of Chile)
  • Laura Biron-Scott (St Augustine’s College)
  • Pier Paolo Pigozzi (Ludovika University)
  • Zoltán Turgonyi (HUN-REN Research Center for Humanities)
  • Ferenc Hörcher (Ludovika University)


Please find the call for papers for Early Career Scholar Forum here.

Organizing Committee:

Kálmán Pócza (MCC Center for Constitutional Politics)

Johanna Fröhlich (Ludovika University)

Ferenc Hörcher (Ludovika University)