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The MCC Center for Constitutional Politics participated at the International Society of Public Law (ICON•S) Annual Conference 2024, held from July 8th to July 10th at IE University Law School in Madrid. This prestigious event brought together over 2,000 participants from across the globe, fostering vibrant discussions on public law and constitutional matters.

Highlight: Book Roundtable on Constitutional Review

A major highlight of the conference for the MCC Center for Constitutional Politics was the book roundtable dedicated to the twin volumes edited by Kálmán Pócza, Head of the Center for Constitutional Politics: Constitutional Review in Western Europe 1990-2020 (Routledge, 2024) and Constitutional Review in Central and Eastern Europe 1990-2020 (Routledge, 2024). The session was chaired by Márton Sulyok, Head of the MCC Center for Public Law.

Kálmán Pócza opened the roundtable by presenting the main findings of his extensive research. Following his presentation, distinguished panelists offered their insights and critiques. Monika Florczak-Wątor from Jagiellonian University, Juan Mayoral of University Carlos III of Madrid, Arta Rama-Hajrizi (former President of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo) and Paula Garat of the Pontifical Catholic University of Uruguay, contributed to the lively discussion.

Panel: Book Roundtable - Judicial Constraints on Legislatures in Europe 1990-2020 (ed. Kálmán Pócza)

Exploring Constitutional Pluralism and EU Reforms

In another session, Kálmán Pócza and Márton Csapodi (researcher at the MCC Center for Constitutional Politics) presented their joint paper on constitutional pluralism. This presentation was part of the panel titled "Reforming the EU and its Institutions?" and was chaired by Professor Kieran Bradley from New York University.

Panel: Reforming the EU and its Institutions?

Discussing the Rule of Law and Political Transformations

Márton Csapodi also participated in the panel "Greater Good as Constitutional Purpose: Rule of Law and Political Transformations," chaired by Lóránt Csink from Pázmány Péter Catholic University. He shared his remarks on different constitutional courts' approaches to legal continuity during democratic transitions in Central Europe. The panel included contributions from scholars such as Márta Deák (Pázmány Péter Catholic University), Agnieszka Bien-Kacała (University of Szczecin), Tomasz Kucharski and Anna Tarnowska (Nicolaus Copernicus University), leading to a comprehensive discussion on the rule of law and the role of constitutions during political transformations.

Panel: Greater Good as Constitutional Purpose: Rules of law and Political Transformations