Student Scholarships

One of King Mathias Corvinus' most impactful policies was opening Hungary to the innovative and transformative ideas shaping the world. At MCC, we strive to continue this legacy by offering diverse opportunities for our students to study, work, and research abroad.

While many international scholarships are available to Hungarian students, MCC stands out by providing unique programs that not only immerse participants in international environments but also encourage them to bring their experiences and knowledge back to Hungary.

We recognize that international exposure is vital for the future of Hungarian relations. We emphasize to our students studying abroad that they represent not only MCC but also Hungary itself. Upon completing their programs, we are confident they will gain a profound appreciation for other countries, cultures, and traditions, as well as a deeper connection to their Hungarian heritage.

Though our scholarships vary in duration, location, and subject, they share a common goal: equipping students with insights and experiences to enrich their communities and contribute meaningfully to their nation's growth.