Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) organizes the international conferences of the MCC Budapest Summit with the intent of creating a tradition. At the annual intellectual summits based on various topics, we bring together the world's best-known thinkers, influencers and decision-makers.
The issue of migration was discussed in March last year, but this year the pandemic situation made it impossible to hold a similar, large-scale event. Adapting to the changed circumstances, instead of a conference, in November 2020, MCC and Danube Institute launched a five-week online series of international lectures on Patriotism.
11/26/2020: What do we mean by Patriotism?
Watch it here:
03/12/2020: The Role of Nation States in the 21st Century
Watch it here:
10/12/2020: Political Correctness: Tolerance or Oppression?
Watch it here:
12/17/2020: Patriotism in the Light of Globalisation
Watch it here:
12/22/2020: In Defence of Our Judeo-Christian Heritage
------------------------------Information HERE:
All broadcasts are posted on the MCC Facebook page at the given time.