Economist, sociologist, PhD in Political Science, Head of the School of Economics and the Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research at Mathias Corvinus College. During his career he has worked as an analyst, government official and teacher. During his analytical career, he has produced economic policy and public policy analyses, including on entrepreneurship, competitiveness, development policy, regional policy and public policy methodology. He is the founder of the Hétfa Research Institute (2009) and was the lead author of the research leading to the book Report on the State of Capitalism in Hungary (2009). Author of several academic publications on competitiveness and the functioning of domestic enterprises. As Deputy State Secretary for Economic Development (2018-2020), he led the Ministry of Innovation and Technology's enterprise policy activities and led the development of the government's strategy to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises. As Chief of Cabinet of the Parliamentary and Strategic State Secretary of the Ministry of National Economy (2010-2012), he was in charge of economic policy results and competitiveness programmes, and led the development of the Simple State Programme focusing on administrative reduction. Previously, as Head of Department (2004-2006) and as a desk officer (1999-2000), he prepared analyses supporting the design of programmes based on EU development funds. He is a permanent lecturer at the Rajk College, a patron teacher at the Széchenyi István College, and has taught several times at the Debrecen College of Economics. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of Összkép Magazine. He graduated from the Garay János High School in Szekszárd, the Budapest University of Economics and the Central European University. He was a member of the Rajk Szakkollégium.

Balázs Szepesi, PhD
Head of School
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Scientific (PhD) degrees
Central European University - Political Sciences - 2007 - PhD
Degrees in higher education
Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration - economist-sociologist - 1998
Central European University - Political Sciences - 1999
Previous affiliations
Ministry of Innovation and Technology - Deputy State Secretary for Economic Development - 2018-2020
HÉTFA Research Institute - managing director - 2012-2018
Összkép Magazine - chief editor - 2015-
Corvinus University of Budapest - researcher - 2017-2018
Ministry for National Economy - head of cabinet - 2010-2012
Research projects
The hungarian economy and Society since 1990 - MCC - Head of research - 2021-
Opportunities and Constraints of Stepping Further for enterprises in Hungary - HÉTFA Research Institute - Resarch director - 2015-2016
The social backround of competitiveness - Budapest Corvinus University - Head of research - 2010-2011
State of capitalism in Hungary - Capitalism and Public Good Foundation - Head of research - 2007-2009
Impact of local govenments on competitiveness - Budapest University of Economic Sciences - Head of research - 1995-1996
Spoken languages
English - advanced
German - intermediate
Featured publications
National Competitiveness Policy: Actions and Actors –a Concept for Implementation,
Szepesi Balázs, Czakó Erzsébet (2012),
BCE, Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézet Versenyképesség Kutatóközpont Műhelytanulmány No. 10