Georgina Kiss-Kozma graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Corvinus University of Budapest with a BA in Communication and from the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Eötvös Loránd University with an MA in Political Science. In 2012, she was an Erasmus student at the University of Salzburg, where she studied political science, and in 2017, she researched Hungarian youth organizations in Transylvania at Babeș-Bolyai University on a CEEPUS scholarship. She defended her PhD thesis in 2021 with summa cum laude at the Doctoral School of Political Theory at Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Her dissertation focused on the institutionalization of Hungarian youth organizations in Transylvania from the perspective of minority nation-building. Her research interests include youth, family policy, and nationalism.
In the autumn of 2021, she joined the Center for Sociology at the MCC School of Social Sciences and History and the Institute for Youth Research. Her aim is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the mindset and lifestyle of the younger generation.