Hugo Meijer is CNRS Research Fellow at Sciences Po, Center for International Studies (CERI, Paris) and the Founding Director of The European Initiative for Security Studies (EISS), a pan-European multidisciplinary network of scholars sharing the goal of consolidating Security studies in Europe. He is also Senior Fellow at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS), in Brussels, and Honorary Researcher at the Centre for War and Diplomacy, Lancaster University. He is the author Awakening to China’s Rise. European Foreign and Security Policies toward the People's Republic of China. His research interests lie at the intersection of International Relations, Security Studies and Foreign Policy Analysis. In particular, he is currently working on several research projects on: the reconfiguration of American hegemony through the prism of the US-led regional alliance systems in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific since the end of World War II; national defense and security policies in Europe; and European foreign and security policies in the face of a rising China in the post-Cold War period.