He was elected as a member of the Media Council by the Hungarian National Assembly on 14 December 2021. He teaches at the University of Public Service (NKE) since 2018 as an assistant professor and is head of the Outer Space and Social Sciences Research Group. Graduated as a lawyer from Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE) in 2010, then received degrees in French Law at the universities of Panthéon-Assas Paris II and Paris Saclay, where he specialised in telecommunications and space law. He obtained an MBA Degree at Lyon III university, earned his PhD at the Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, his thesis topic was the legal issues of online platforms. He began his professional career at a telecommunications company in Paris. He became an employee of NMHH from 2011 to 2016, then went on to serve as the legal director of a Hungarian SME with representation in France until 2019.

Balázs Bartóki-Gönczy