I was born in 1990 in Mohács. After graduating from high school, I enrolled in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Kaposvár, where I graduated as a conservation engineer in 2014.

For two years, I worked as a cultural organizer at the Department of Ecotourism and Environmental Education of the Danube-Drava National Park Directorate. For the following four years, I worked as a teacher and coordinator at the Natural Science Experience Center in Mohács.

These previous jobs have allowed me to work with children of different ages, from kindergarteners to high school students. Through the programs and activities we organized, I myself learned a lot. Being a University Program Coordinator at MCC opened up new opportunities for me. I can gain new experiences and competences in working with an older, professionally committed, now university-age group. I am confident that the work together will be enjoyable and productive for both the students and myself, and that the students will appreciate the exceptional opportunities that MCC offers.

Besides my work, it is very important for me to spend quality time with my loved ones and friends. And as a founding member of the Poklade tambura band, we regularly take to the stages of folk and world music events, where we perform our repertoire of "Balkan-folk" albums with great relish.